Projetado por URBAN AGENCY e BET Satge, o edifício Le Twist consiste em um conjunto de 10 apartamentos de luxo com um restaurante no térreo que se abre para um jardim semi-público. Contratados em 2013, os arquitetos foram convidados a reavaliar uma proposta existente para Montpellier, França. Ao deslocar e rotacionar cada pavimento, o escritório pôde "respeitar e 'torcer' a lei de planejamento francesa", ganhando 40% de área construída.

From the beginning, the project faced many obstacles – the maximum height was restricted to 18 meters, 30% of the ground level was required to be green space and the “prospect” law in France restricted the angle of the building so as not to impede sunlight to neighboring buildings. By twisting and pulling the structure on itself, large terraces and balconies wrap around the main structure, negotiating these obstacles. The service core at the centre of the structure allows for a flexible floor plan: 1-4 apartments can be built per floor. Sun-path mapping generated a façade alignment which allows ample daylight into each apartment.

The project pays homage to classical architecture: the terraces are inspired by its “in-between spaces” and the façade uses materials reminiscent of classic, Roman columns. By pigmenting concrete with local sand, Le Twist follows the sandy yellow colour palette of Montpellier, a technique that is both cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing. Columns at street level act as sun filters and provide privacy from neighbouring buildings. A vegetable patch is available for residents year round, and an enclosed garden will house a restaurant for both residents and the public.

AD PromotionÁrea
850 m²Fotografias
Cortesia de URBAN AGENCY